Getting a new garden fence isn’t always as simple as it should be. There might be confusion surrounding property boundaries, and you may even end up in a dispute with a neighbour about who is responsible for the fence.
This quick guide has been written to answer some of the most asked garden fencing questions. Read on for the details or get in touch with NJ Apps for a personalised discussion and to hear more about our Kent fencing services.
When should I replace my garden fence?
The 20% rule suggests that you should replace your garden fence when at least 20% of the fence needs repairs or looks noticeably worn.
Of course, there may be occasions when you want to replace your garden fence earlier, such as prior to listing your property on the market, getting a dog and needing a more secure/taller fence, or due to personal preferences.
How long should a garden fence last?
The lifespan of a garden fence will depend on the materials it’s made with, how well it’s maintained (if required) and how well it has been installed. The general consensus is that a good garden fence will last between 10 and 20 years.
Do I have to replace a garden fence?
You’re never obligated to replace your existing garden fence unless it has become a fire or serious safety hazard. There could be times when you get into a dispute with a neighbour about who is responsible for replacing a damaged fence.
Do you need planning permission for a new garden fence?
In most cases, you can erect a new garden fence up to two metres high without needing planning permission.
If you want a higher fence, you will need to get planning permission. It’s better to seek permission rather than forgiveness. Although you can ask for retrospective planning permission, you might not get approval and could be ordered to take down the fence.
There can be times when you still need planning permission if the fence is shorter than two metres. This could be due to proximity to roads and conservation areas or if you own a historic building. For example, the height of fencing next to some roads can often be capped at one metre.
NJ Apps can help you understand your position as part of our Kent fencing services.
Who is responsible for replacing a garden fence?
If there is a disagreement about who owns the fence and therefore who is responsible to replace it, you can get a definitive answer by retrieving the Title Plan from the Land Registry. This comes at a small cost, but it will be worthwhile.
Within the plans, there may be a letter “T” or a letter “H” on your side of the boundary where the fence is positioned. If you see the letter “T”, you are responsible for the boundary and therefore the fence. But if you see the letter “H”, the neighbours have joint responsibility, which is also known as a party fence wall.
If a dispute continues, the issue will be partly dealt with by surveyors and subject to the Party Wall Agreement.
How close to a property boundary can you erect a garden fence?
Most people will erect their garden fence within two to eight inches of the property boundary. However, some people will erect their garden fence on the property boundary, especially in urbanised areas where garden areas are generally smaller.
You may need stump removal or site clearance services to enable you to maximise your available space and erect a fence closer to your property boundary.
Will a new garden fence improve property value?
Excellent gardens can add up to 20% value to a property and owning a good garden fence contributes to this added value.
A garden fence will add more value to a property if it serves a specific function, such as adding privacy and security, stopping larger dogs from escaping or if it works as a sound barrier.
Garden fence installation with NJ Apps
If you’re looking for new residential or commercial fencing, speak with NJ Apps today.
We will make a free visit to your home or commercial premises to fully understand the scope of the project so we can provide an accurate quote.
During our visit, we’ll also explain all health and safety processes and what you can expect while we are busy on the job.
Read more about our Kent fencing services here and book your free quotation today!